Course Description

Ever wanted to create an information product but didn't know where to start?

This mini-course will take you from inspiration to information product in 5 easy steps.

You will learn:

  • How to determine your goals – you won’t ever get where you want to be if you can’t define where it is you’re going!
  • 7 ways to define your ideal customer’s most urgent problem – no one buys information, they buy solutions. These 7 ideas will help you know exactly which solutions they need!
  • 7 popular information product formats – and which ones would be perfect for your product!
  • Killer title creation tips – a sexy, compelling title can make or break your product launch!
  • 3 easy options for fast product creation – no more half-finished projects cluttering up your hard drive.

Founder of The Wealthy Muslimah Business Academy

Sa'Diyya Patel

Sa'Diyya is the founder of the Wealthy Muslimah Business Academy and of Wealthy Muslimah Online - a website dedicated to teaching Muslim women how to become financially independent through entrepreneurship. She has also created a course on entrepreneurship for the Productive Muslim website.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    5 Easy Steps From Inspiration To InfoProduct

    • Introduction

    • Step 1: Solving a Customer’s Problem

    • Step 2: Research

    • Step 3: Choosing A Format

    • Step 4: Coming Up With A Compelling Title

    • Step 5: Getting The Job Done